Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday . . . Sunday

What a day! Up at 6:30 to rouse the 13yr old. Off to hockey we went. The sun rose and shone in my face. We arrived up at UAF at 7:30 ish and I fell asleep in my running car with the sun beating down on my face. It was lovely. I was having the oddest dreams though I don't remember them exactly. I do recall dreaming something of donuts and brunch. That is what woke me. I remembered I had to go to the grocery store for brunch food.
I scooted over to Fred Meyer and stocked up on bacon, sausage, muffins, eggs, cheese, and donuts. When I left Fred's 20 minutes later THERE WAS AN INCH OF SNOW ON THE GROUND!
I slipped and slid all the way back to UAF and then all of the way home.
Brunch was great- Dad stopped by. Its always great to see him. He ate and we visited. He was in a great mood.
After that, I geared up to enlarge the wood pile. John cut and chopped a great deal of wood while I tried to cut and chop. I was able to stack though. I was very impressed with our efforts, though my stack is anything but pretty. I suppose, all it has to be is burnable.
I ended up such a horrible mess though. Covered in sawdust from head to toe. My jeans looked as though they were made from sawdust themselves.

Now, after a large meal of Pagoda's Chinese food, we are all now settled in watching Robin Hood. I feel as though I could fall asleep any second. It was a late evening at the Ice Dogs hockey game just to get up this morning to run Jason into to his hockey. Carly even had hockey today - at 11:00. Jay had to drive her - I hadn't made it back to North Pole in time.
Sounds like she had a good time again. I'm so glad.

Off to sleep for me now . . . but ssshhhhh! I will try to make it look like I'm just laying here watching the movie. I do hate to be teased about falling asleep in every movie we rent. My eyes are rolling back into my head as I type. Oh so tired! I hope I don't snore.

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