Thursday, September 30, 2010


Fall came and went. The trees were incredible hues for two weeks and then the wind came. Now the leaves are brown and crusty all over the grass. That doesn't bother me though. I absolutely love seeing the leaves on the green grass. It is just another one of those things I have waited for since we began building out house.
I know I should be out there raking them up, piling them high, and bagging them up. I even bought the cute jack-o-lantern bags. However, I hate being cold . . . and it is cold outside. I know it isn't -30 yet. It is only getting to about 12* in the evenings now though and that means it certainly isn't 40* during the day. 40* I can handle.
Proudly though, I did have Jay start the chain saw and I began sawing into the pile of logs outside the garage. We really need the wood heat right now and the wood is in the way of filling up our fuel tank. I had a great time cutting the wood. I cut enough to fill 1/2 of the indoor wood rack. I know, that isn't much at all. But then I seized up the chain.
There is always tomorrow . . . NO SCHOOL! So hopefully, I'll have several little bodies available to stack up the massive pile I cut. :)
(yeah, right)

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