Sunday, February 14, 2010

You've Got to Be Good at Something

Every time we go to one of Jason's games, we watch with hopeful hearts that he'll have a good game and his team will do well.

Many times, we will hear parents picking apart their children's game or other kid's games. We will equally hear about how wonderful their children are, how many points they have, and their +/-.

We now get to join in the conversation by "bragging" about Jason making the leader board on point streak. Yes, that is right. Jason is second in the state for THE MOST PENALTY MINUTES at 54 minutes.

I'm not entirely sure that is something to be proud of until I focus on how small he is. He's an 83lb 13 yr old.


Share said...

That H & D combo is dangerous! It's not always size that matters!

Patty said...

Haha. I love your bragging rights.