Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hockey Weekend Is Over!

We've got one more day off from school, J has the day off, and no hockey until 8pm!!!

Beginning Friday night, Jason had 3 hockey games in under 24 hours.  He stuck it out, played his tail off, and they still lost all 3 games.  But hey, they only lost 1-0 the final game.  Uh- it's still a loss.

If you don't win, you lose.

Carly began hockey too.  She had two sessions of assessments.  There were a lot of girls for this 10-12 yr old rec team.  They had many girls move up and even had a couple girls chose to play rec instead of comp.  They decided that they would split this group up into 8-10yr olds and 10-12 yr olds.  Carly is 11, so her spot is secure.  Now we just wait to find out which coach will take on the older girls.

We we basically attacked at the door of her assessments to pick up our raffle tickets.  Hey anyone want to buy a ticket to win a trip for two to Vegas for a Nascar weekend?  Only $5.00!

Or maybe a $5.00 ticket for a chance to win $500.00 cash or one of 30 other prizes?

That may be my least favorite thing about hockey . . .selling raffle tickets.  Wait, no, its the parents.

Some parents were unbearable this weekend!  Seriously.  Some of them don't know how to keep their mouths shut!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We had drama,drama,drama, at our Soccer game on Saturday as well. A parent didn't like the way the Head coach was speaking to her child so she very nicely asked him to stop & the Assistant coach went all out PSYCHO! I was on my cell with my back to them & actually turned around in SHOCK that no other man there was stepping in to tell the coach/parent of a child on the team to chill! Now of course the other mom/parent has filed a complaint & all hell has broke loss- why are parents so insane when it comes to sports?