Wednesday, April 8, 2009

G'nite Mom . . . I Love You . . . Oh, vinegar is an al-? Al-? Alkaline!

Caden has joined the "Icky, Sticky Science" Club at school. Last night he made . . . uh . . . some warm green stuff. Yeah, I don't know what it is. He tried to explain it to me. The most important thing, he said, was not to eat it, that it is poison.
Last night, he dressed up in a suit, tie, bandanna, and a batman glove to pretend to create "Bob". He used his warm, green goo to create a monster that needs no brain to exist (we saw Monsters vs Aliens last weekend).
As I tucked him in for the umpteenth time last night, we went through our normal routines of "I Love You 's" and such. Then, he surprised me (as he normally does) with the knowledge that vinegar is an alkaline.
I took his word for it at the time (and double checked it later).
When a 7 year old knows the word alkaline . . . you can be pretty sure he knows what he's talking about. It's not exactly the kind of word he could make up.


Alyce said...

I love his actually reminds me of me when I was younger, for a while I just thought I was a weird kid, but as I got older, I realized it was just a case of an awesome imagination! Love it! And I love watching David go into his own world, it just amazes me and really makes me remember that time in my life like it was yesterday. On the contrary of what some people may say, I think kids keep you young at heart! said...

Yep, our hearts stay young while our bodies age . . . almost a cruel joke if there weren't moments like this that make it all worth it.

I used to dress up in my mom's clothes or whatever hand-me-downs my cousins gave me, put on a wig and a hat, grab a handbag, go out one door of the house and run down the driveway a bit. Then I would turn around, walk up the drive and knock on the other door. I really thought my mother had no idea despite being about 3 1/2 ft. tall. I'm so greatful she played along . . .

Alyce said...

true, they do run you down physically, a bit. That's so funny! I would do something quite similar with my Grandpop Donald, and he would act like it was someone he didn't know at his front door as I went out the back's amazing how just taking the time out to do things like that are what matters most in the long run

pattycakes said...

That boy cracks me up! Love it!

Uncle Rob said...

Caden - What do you mean a monster that needs no brain? That very same green goo is what my brain is made of! Actually, If you still have it, I am running a little low on that brain stuff goo junk.

Uncle Rob said...

Oh, and did you know Al Kaline was a great Detroit Tigers baseball player, not a vinegar as you say?

Happy Easter to all.