Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oh yeah, Fantasy Football Draft Weekend.

I'm so, totally, excited for today's FFdraft (no I'm not).
I woke up at 7:30 am because the draft is on the East Coast (and I'm so not even close to that time zone).
Got some (cold) coffee and turned on some ESPN (ABC Family) to inspire me.

I've got my list ready (and pink sharpie) and am raring (*UGH*GASP*SOUNDS OF DREAD*) to go.  Now, I just wait (watch the Lying Game and make some Carmel flavored coffee).

*****break*****coffee pot calling my name****

Alright, I've received my instructions.  Vick or Adrian (so its a dog fighting champ or a guy with a girl's name).
Here we go (waste my Saturday sleep-in morning on a silly game of pretend with a bunch of Jersey Shore speaking guys 4000 miles away).  Shaweeeeeet (shit)!

10 minutes later and having a ball (disaster) with FF (The Lying Game).

6 picks in and it is going AWESOME (super sucky).  Phone is ringing, txts popping up, IM's . . . it's like, I'm super popular in high school!

Okay, break time.  So now I get to jump in the shower then try to dry my hair before the excitement (madness) begins again.  I am off to Sam's Club shop after that so I can stock up for our 19 & 21 yr old house guests (our hockey player is coming back- that's right - hockey, not football) moving in on Monday.  Time to fill the pantry with more snacks and goodies that can be grabbed in a rush.  Especially since our microwave is still non-existent.

So long football (not) fans.  When I get back I'll be a clean and perfumed goddess (mom, as in "Oh my Goddess!) ready to finish up my (my husband's) FF team, the Alaskan Goddess' (team The Don).

1 comment:

Mom Daughter Style said...

exciting time isn't?

making a quick visit. following from finding new friends wkend hop. I hope you follow back. thanks in advance

we can also like each other in FB if you have a fan page (I do like back)